
Light in the glade

Earlier this year, I embarked on an short winter hike on a remarkably sunny day. Hiking through the thin fog that hugged the forest floor, I came across this scene where the sun broke through the fog. I realized this was the perfect opportunity to capture the volumetric lighting enabled by this fog. Specifically, I was looking for the chiaroscuro from the sunlight striking the trees trunks in a specific angle, wile leaving the rest of it in shadows. With the right framing, this can lead to a powerful composition

Mt Baker Snoqualmie National Forest

Lighting the madrasah

Registan: one of the most beautifully restored triad of madrasahs: an imposing darwazah (door) lined with intricate tilework, beautiful wall paintings, swirling pillars and gracefully arched doorways. And while the structures look spartan under the mid-day heat, the well-executed lighting adds a unique shine to these imposing structures.

Walking under the eaves of these tall monuments is walking over centuries of history, the oldest one more than 6 centuries old, and breathing the very same air of piety that has permeated this region for millenia.

I for one, am glad to have visited and experienced this amazing wonder of the world.

