Nostalgia — A Camera Story


Every couple of years, I get pangs of nostalgia for India, and the yearning to visit my home town and see family increases. The cold days of winter, when work slows down, serves as an excellent opportunity to go back home, especially with its mild weather and pleasant temperatures.

I also use this time to indulge in the rich history of this country. This has been something I took for granted while growing up as I never had the appreciation for it. Now, my travels over the past decade have wisened my world view, and has provided me a better appreciation for the rich history and cultural heritage.

On one such visit, I got to explore the richly decorated cave complexes of Ajanta and Ellora, a UNESCO world heritage site located in western India. With sculptures and paintings dating to 480 - 1000CE, these cave complexes were an in-depth study of the ancient Indian art forms. I couldn't get enough of this destination, and I hope to go there again when times are better

Ajanta and Ellora Caves

Maharashtra India