Ice Age Remnants — A Camera Story

Ice Age Remnants

There was a remarkable change in terrain. Gone were the thick conifers on rocky slopes with gurgling creeks carrying fresh snowmelt. The slippery scree of the glacial moraine was unmistakable, and up the U-shaped valley, I could spot the tail of the Victoria Glacier and the thin icefield it originated from.

Time and climate change had definitely taken its toll at the Valley of the Six Glaciers in the heart of Banff National Park. Where the six glaciers used to converge was now a vast debris field left behind by the glacier as it had retreated. Barren hillslopes sans vegetation were evidence of where the glaciers had originally risen up to.

While it is unfortunate that this glacial terminus won't revert back to its glorious self in my lifetime, I do hope that other glaciers around the world won't reach this same fate.

Banff National Park

AB Cananda