Here are more visions of the California landscape from springs of years past. Vast surfaces of dusty brown that characterize the rolling hills and fallow lands during summer acquire a fresh coat of green. And out in the Central Valley, dry dustpans suddenly become wetlands harboring migratory birds. This is often the time I seek out hiking trails that take me out of civilization, to witness biomes and climate as it once had been.
The Wildflower Season

The vibrant spring greens of California are an annual occurrence, turning the rust brown to a delightful shade of emerald green, post the unpredictable rainfall that quenches the thirst of the parched golden state. But it is the accompanying wildflower blooms that brigthen the rolling green hills with shades of pastel colors; bright yellows, oranges, pings and whites dominate the sun-drenched landscapes, growing along winding highways, gentle valleys and lush green meadows.
The next wildflower season is upon us. Happy hunting photographers, and don't trample on the delicate blooms; they are needed for the future wildflower seasons.
Pacheco State Park
California Greens
The Golden State has a remarkable ability of turning green during spring. Rolling landscapes take on a green sheen as the winter turns to spring, paving way for the black oaks to sprout new leaves, and for colorful wildflowers to paint the landscape with a palette of pink, purple, blue, red, yellow and white. With a bountiful winter rain this year signaling the end of the drought, the parched landscape has once again renewed its cycle afresh.
Seeing images of the California greens brought back wonderful memories of a hike I took a couple of years ago in the hillscapes of Pacheco State Park nestled amidst the Diablo Range near Central California. I still vividly remember the journey as the trail wound its way around the parks' many geographical features. Every turn brought surprising delights, whether it was a small rancher's pond, replete with quacking mallards and dancing dragonflies, or a small gorge filled with multi-colored shooting stars glowing in the warm afternoon sunlight, or ridge-top vistas of the vast rolling scenery landscape with budding oak trees as far as the eye could see.
Here was one such vista taken in the late afternoon light, as the the slowly setting sun lengthened the shadows the oak trees cast on the green meadows all around, while patches of wildflowers colored the landscape yellow, orange and pink.
Pacheco State Park