Here are more visions of the California landscape from springs of years past. Vast surfaces of dusty brown that characterize the rolling hills and fallow lands during summer acquire a fresh coat of green. And out in the Central Valley, dry dustpans suddenly become wetlands harboring migratory birds. This is often the time I seek out hiking trails that take me out of civilization, to witness biomes and climate as it once had been.
While March is cold and dreary in the Pacific Northwest, signs of spring manage to squeeze in. The Cherry blossoms peak in mid-late march, and different sets of flowering plants start showing off their colors with every passing week. But for the best signs of spring, there is no better place that the wildflowers of California. The bumper rains of the winter of '22-23 meant that the spring of 2023 was going to be a superbloom year, where acres of predominantly sun-drenched dry landscapes were going to be transformed into a vast carpet of colors.
I paid a visit to central California during this time, and even though I was a week early, the scope and size of the wildflower blooms I witnessed was nothing short of extraordinary.
As before, you can buy this calendar at this link.
Carrizo Plains National Monument
Wildflowers of California

After the winter rains, the spring blossoms arrive like clockwork, covering the vast California plains with a colorful tapestry of yellows, oranges, blues, and whites. Against the backdrop of the rolling green hills, this nature's kaleidoscope of colors is a sight to behold.
Over time, such tracts of unprotected plains are few and far in-between, and these delicate plants are fickle-minded, requiring just the right amount of rain and sun at the right time. And I am hoping that this is one such year where nature puts on a unrivaled spectacle.
Central California