The Blue Yonder

I had climbed high above the small notch of land that stood between two glaciers. The land stretching out in front of me was flat, providing unhampered visibility into the far blue yonder. From here, I could spy one of the glaciers slowly melting out onto its own lake, with fragments of ice slowly making their way to the other end. Tiny tributaries drained the murky waters into dozens of windy rivulets that meandered their way to the distant shores of the Atlantic a dozen miles away.

Meanwhile, the clouds marched in the opposite direction - a mixture of rain-bearing cumulus and strato-cumulus clouds drifted in from the south, threatening rain for the latter half of the day. Nevertheless, I continued forward on this trail in Skaftafell National Park, which climbed up and over this notch of land, making its way from the lip of one glacier to the remnants of the other glacier, over rocky scree, velvety-soft green grass, and slushy swamps. And all along that 10 mile hike, I got to witness a beautiful untouched landscape in this geologically young island, a landscape that lent well to amazing photographic opportunities.

Skaftafell National Park